package org.agnitas.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import org.apache.velocity.util.introspection.Info; public class EventHandler implements InvalidReferenceEventHandler, NullSetEventHandler, MethodExceptionEventHandler { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); public EventHandler(Context ctx) { EventCartridge ec = new EventCartridge(); ec.addEventHandler(this); ec.attachToContext(ctx); } @Override public Object methodException(Class aClass, String method, Exception e) throws Exception { String error = "an " + e.getClass().getName() + " was thrown by the " + method + " method of the " + aClass.getName() + " class [" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(e.getMessage().split("\n")[0]) + "]"; errors.add(error, new ActionMessage("Method exception: " + error)); return error; } @Override public boolean shouldLogOnNullSet(String s, String s1) { return false; } @Override public Object invalidGetMethod(Context context, String s, Object o, String s1, Info info) { String str = "Error in line " + info.getLine() + ", column " + info.getColumn() + ": "; errors.add(str,new ActionMessage(str + "Null reference " + s + ".")); return null; } @Override public boolean invalidSetMethod(Context context, String s, String s1, Info info) { return false; } @Override public Object invalidMethod(Context context, String s, Object o, String s1, Info info) { String str = "Error in line " + info.getLine() + ", column " + info.getColumn() + ": "; errors.add(str, new ActionMessage(str + "Invalid method "+s+".")); return null; } public ActionErrors getErrors() { return errors; } }